Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Zillion years ago....

Well, it seems like that long since I have posted. A couple years, give or take, have whisked by without a peep. Much has changed since then, and much has stayed more or less the same. 

Between then and now, I have worked again in Oregon and Washington, lived in the big city again for a bit, and lived in relative isolation for a bit more. 

I am going on my 5th year as a fulltimer. I have changed rigs since last positing and will joyously get into that later.

Most of the reason for my "silence" is that I have been without easy internet services for a very long time..taking isolated posts where the nearest services are 25+ miles away. I had plenty of access when I slipped back into a 9-5 for a winter. But I was exhausted at the end of the day. Too exhausted to extoll the (non) virtues of a routine lifestyle. No one wants to hear what happened at the office, including me.

Stay tuned for the backtracking of the adventure .....


  1. Hey Gina!
    Steve and I miss the quiet of the Clackamas. What's the weather like? Reno is relatively warm so far. Amazon is hard on our feet! How's business at the store these days?

  2. I read about your feet! Dog tired and tired Dogs! You'll get used to it, you guys are tough! Reno never gets real bad, I was there many times last winter. Cold, yes..but generally dry.

    It's raining and colorful. I am enjoying it all, fish most everyday and am getting to know all the neighbors, including the deer herd that likes to visit the pond!

    Store is slow, but steady. A change of pace from this summer!
